
Characters with Simplified Radicals

The simplification of the traditional radical meant that all the characters under the tradtional bushou could immediately be simplified.

Traditional Simplified Examples
紅 红 約 约 細 细
規 规 視 视 覯 觏
計 计 説 说 謝 谢
財 财 貨 货 贏 赢
軍 军 軟 软 輝 辉
針 针 銹 锈 鏡 镜
問 问 聞 闻 闊 阔
韓 韩 韙 韪 韞 韫
頂 顶 頡 颉 顴 颧
颭 飐 颶 飓 飄 飘
飯 饭 餅 饼 饢 馕
駕 驾 駱 骆 驤 骧
魯 鲁 鮑 鲍 鯊 鲨
鴉 鸦 鴕 鸵 鷺 鹭
黿 鼋 鼂 鼌 鼉 鼍
齏 齑 濟 济 劑 剂
齿 齗 龂 齡 龄 齦 龈
龎 厐 龔 龚 龕 龛

The 350, 132 and 14 simplified character and components presented in the previous pages show that there was careful consideration of which components could be simplified. Those characters given in the first list must be learnt individually, since they do not form components in other characters. The second list of simplifications affect all other characters which have those components in their characters. When converting from the complex form to the simplified form, the user must take care to note the first list of simplified characters and their corresponding complex form.

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© (c) Copyright Dylan W.H. Sung 2001

This page was created on Monday 12th February 2001
and last updated on Monday 26th February 2001.